Beau-pair for au-pairs
An unforgettable experience
Beau-pair is happy to help you make your au-pair year an unforgettable experience. They are there for you whenever you need them, before, during and after your year in the Netherlands.
Suzanne, the owner of Beau-pair has lived in several countries (including as a 17-year-old exchange student in high school). She knows exactly how it feels to be away from your family and friends for a year. This makes her easy to approach and no question or doubt is foreign to her to answer.
What can you expect from Beau-pair?
Beau-pair is a full-service agency for you and the host family. This means that they will help you from the beginning you sign up until you return home with the following:
Interview with Beau-pair to make sure the match with the host family is successful. Beau-pair also visits host families to make sure they live in such an environment that you have a safe home
Visa guidance in your home country
Once you arrive in the Netherlands, a welcome surprise box will be waiting for you. This includes gifts and information on how to get started and what you need to arrange the first month
Beau-pair will contact you by phone immediately after your arrival, after 2 weeks, and will send you an online evaluation after the first, third, sixth and ninth months
Throughout the year, you can always call us if you have any questions or need guidance on cultural or family issues
Welcome training in Amsterdam with information about Dutch culture but also guidance to make this experience a success for you and your host family. You will also meet other au-pairs who have arrived around the same time as you
At least 3 cultural events within the Netherlands (paid for by the host families)
Invitations for excursions or city trips within the Netherlands, Belgium or Germany (paid for by the au-pair, with discount)
Beau-pair's au-pair network via whatsapp
What can you expect from Beau-pair host families?
Beau-pair visits the host family before they apply to make sure you live in a safe environment, but also to hear what their family situation is like. This is hugely important to make the match a success.
Host families have signed a contract to pay you monthly for the following:
Pocket money
Phone subscription
Museum card (provided by Beau-pair)
Free train travel at weekends
This will total €385 (indicative, as prices for contracts may change).
The host family will have a bedroom available for you and you will also get a bike from them (it is important that you can ride a bike). Another important point is that they need to register you at their address.
What are my duties?
Caring for the children.
Household chores, such as vacuuming, cooking, etc.
Taking children to nursery or school and picking them up.
Taking the children to sports.
The main reason you become an au pair in the Netherlands is because you have a passion for children. You love being around them and caring for them with the best of intentions. You are a role model for the children. In addition, you would like to learn more about Dutch culture and customs. You make the most of the cultural experience!
Some tasks are 'common sense' tasks because you are part of the host family. You live in their house, use their kitchen etc. Counting hours preparing dinner or (un)unpacking the dishwasher is something you wouldn't do.
At Beau-pair, we also think it's important to communicate with your host family, especially in the beginning to make sure everything goes smoothly. The Dutch would rather have you ask them a question twice than have you do something you are not 100% sure about. The Dutch are known to be direct, embrace this as a cultural difference.
What are the rules in the Netherlands regarding au-pairs?
You must be between 18 and 25 years old
Not married and no children
You can swim
You have a legally valid passport
Never been in the Netherlands long-term before (Au pair VISA or long-term VISA)
You can only come to the Netherlands through an au-pair agency such as Beau-pair
Certified birth certificate
Police statement or certificate of good conduct
You can stay for up to a year
VISA or residence permit (this is n/a for au pairs with EU citizenship)
You may pay a maximum of €34 for registration/screening or training
Your working week has a maximum of 30 hours (max. 8 hours per day with 2 days off per week)
Your host family should give you one weekend off per month (from Friday evening to Sunday evening)
During the year, you are entitled to 2 weeks off as holidays. This must be discussed with your host family in advance